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University Dunărea de Jos din Galaţi
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi
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Head of the chair: Delipovici Irina
university lecturer, doctor in pedagogical sciences
Tel.: (+373) 022 31 04 32
E-mail: medicinasportiva@mail.ru

The Sports Medicine Chair is a structural, basic subdivision of SUPES, which operates based on the provisions of the legislation in force, its own instructions, its own Rules of Procedure, approved by the Senate.
The SUPES Sports Medicine Chair was created in September 2006, following the reorganization of the Medical and Biological Disciplines Chair, which also activated within the “Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University in Chișinău. Historically, the staff of the chair was led by professors Gheorghe Baciu, dr. habil. in medicine, university professor (1991-1994), Raisa Moroșan, dr. habil. in medicine, university professor (1994-2000), Victor Lupașco, PhD in biology, associate professor (2000-2001), Mihail Godorozea, PhD in medicine, associate professor (2001-2002), Sergiu Pintilei, PhD in Medicine, associate professor (2002-2008), Ecaterina Erhan, PhD in biology, associate professor (2008-2014), Odetta Țigănaș, PhD in biology, associate professor (2014-2018), Ecaterina Erhan, PhD in biology, associate professor (2018-2020), and from September 2020 the position of the head of the chair is held by Irina Delipovici, PhD in pedagogy, a university lecturer.
The didactic activity is ensured by a team formed both by well-known personalities in the field, and by motivated and receptive young people, who manage with professionalism and exigency the study disciplines, which are found in the curriculum of the Sports Medicine Chair. Thus, the instructive and educational process carried out at the chair is ensured by: Delipovici Irina, the head of the chair, university lecturer, PhD in pedagogy; Moroșan Raisa, university professor, dr. habil. in medicine; Erhan Ecaterina, associate professor, PhD in biology; Dudnic Eugen, associate professor, PhD in biology; Deleu Inga, associate professor, PhD in biology; Moroșan Ion, associate professor, PhD in pedagogy; Dorgan Victoria, university lecturer, master in physical education and sport, PhD student; Buzulan Aliona, university lecturer, master in biology, PhD student; Gîrlea Natalia, university lecturer, master in physical education and sport, PhD student; Tataru Angela, university lecturer, master in psycho-pedagogy; Iachimovschi Silvia, superior lab tech.
Within the chair also activated notorious names in the field, such as Alexandru Mariț, dr. habil. in medicine, university professor (1991 - 2015), Ion Fusu, PhD in chemistry, associate professor (1991 - 2005), Mihail Chiorescu, PhD in biology, associate professor (1991 - 2009), Victor Lupașco, PhD in biology, associate professor (1991 - 2020), who through their activity actively contributed to solving and medical-biological arguing of the priority problems in sport and to improving the education system in the field of physical culture.
The main purpose of the “Sports Medicine” Chair is the continuous training of highly qualified specialists with valuable skills and competencies for the educational and sports system in the Republic, able to meet both the needs of beneficiaries and to integrate into the European and international community. Among the basic objectives of the Chair are: improving sports training and its scientific direction; conducting training and competitions in fair play conditions, without the involvement of prohibited substances with a negative impact on health and sports performance; reducing the risk of injuries during the training process, as well as during sports competitions; performing primary, secondary and final medical-biological selection; feeding optimization and of the medication of sports effort; performing post - and intra - effort recovery in order to efficiently recover the athlete; conducting training and competitions under different environmental conditions; efficient and competent action in first aid actions; increasing the beneficial impact of sport and physical culture on human health.
Within the Sports Medicine Chair, works a Scientific Research Lab, that has high-performance equipment for organizing scientific research, in order to improve the training process of performance athletes and specialists in the field of physical education and sport.
The didactic process is carried out in the light of taught courses within the chair, which are structured so as to provide students with a general medical and biological culture, as well as thorough specialized training.
The Sports Medicine Chair ensures the study process at the subjects of cycle I and II of studies: Sports Medicine, Extreme Medicine, Functional Anatomy, Biochemistry, Human Physiology, Ergo-physiology, Pathological Physiology, Biology, Biochemistry of sport effort, Hygiene of physical education and sport.
All subjects complement each other and are useful to SUPES students, which allow them to obtain a thorough knowledge of structure and functions of the body of athletes and the limits of human performance, both of which are required by a great performance.
The didactic and scientific activity of the chair is carried out in accordance with the current requirements, including the provisions of the Education Code and the provisions of the Bologna Process. In order to achieve performance indicators, within the chair permanently is promoted and stimulated the scientific research, active participation in national and international scientific conferences, carrying out PhD theses, organizing methodical and scientific seminars and meetings of Student scientific circle. Within the chair, 7 PhD theses were defended for obtaining the scientific degree of PhD in pedagogical sciences.
The research direction of the chair includes two topics: “Physiological-biochemical and hygienic aspects of directing sports training” and “Improving the activity for health education and promoting a healthy lifestyle”. Over the years, have been developed and published over 800 scientific and methodical works, the results of the scientific investigation from the last 5 years being materialized in: monographs - 3, university courses – 18, methodical guides – 6, international articles ISI-rated – 1, BDI B category – 5, C category – 10, articles in scientific compilations – 5, articles at conferences – 65, theses at conferences – 16.
The Sports Medicine Chair intensively collaborates with the specialists in the field from the “N.Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, State University of Moldova, “Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University, “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iași (Romania), National Anti-doping Agency of the Republic of Moldova, National Center for Public Health.

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