Tur virtual USEFS reusita studentului
Quality Management
Education & Sport
Center guide
International relations
University Dunărea de Jos din Galaţi
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi
Other structures
Chairman: Malai Lucia,
master degree, univ. assistant,
Tel.: (+373) 693 44 984

The internal audit activity is carried out under the leadership of the SUPES Quality Council.
The internal audit section has the mission to determine the effectiveness of the quality system in relation to achieving quality objectives, identifying opportunities to improve SUPES activities in relation to the requirements of all stakeholders, verifying compliance with mandatory requirements and performance indicators specified in the External Evaluation Methodology, the reference standards and the list of performance indicators of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research.
The strategic objectives of the Internal Audit Department are:
- Assessing how the SUPES policy is applied in the field of quality and the objectives established in the field of quality are achieved; elaboration of the implementation strategy of the quality assurance system in SUPES;
- Monitoring the fulfillment of the strategic plan of the university and of the plan for improving the quality of SUPES activities;
- The actual planning of audits regarding specific activities;
- Active participation in the application of regulations and procedures regarding the teaching activity in the university / faculty / department;
- Starting the self-evaluation process at the level of faculty / department in order to obtain the authorization / accreditation according to the legal provisions.
Membership of the Internal Audit Department:
Onoi Mihail, PhD, assoc. prof., Dean of the Pedagogy Faculty, secretary;
Gîdei Mariana, vice-dean of the Pedagogy Faculty, PhD student, member;
Craijdan Olga, PhD, assoc. prof, Gymnastics Chair, member;
Carp Ion, PhD, univ. prof., Theoretical basis of physical culture Chair, member;
Manolachi Victor, dr. habil., univ. prof., head of the Chair of Law, member;
Cebotaru Nina, Kinetotherapy Chair, member;
The Internal Audit Body of the university elaborates the program and the internal audit report on the university, which is subject to analysis and approval within the Quality Council of SUPES.

Raport cu privire la evaluarea gradului de satisfactie a studentilor USEFS

Informatie cu privire la rezultatul realizarii academice a studentilor ciclul I si II de studii la USEFS in anul universitar 2016-2017