Tur virtual USEFS reusita studentului
Quality Management
Education & Sport
Center guide
International relations
University Dunărea de Jos din Galaţi
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi
Other structures
Preşedinte: Liliana Budevici-Puiu,
conferenţiar universitar, doctor în ştiinţe pedagogice
Tel.: (+373) 022 49 74 33

Scientific research and sports performance are essential components of the activity of members of the academic community. These represent a basic obligation of each teacher and are an important criterion for assessing their qualification and professionalism.
The activity of the Scientific Council of the State University of Physical Education and Sports aims to promote scientific research, sports performance at recognized quality standards by integrating into national and international programs, access to national and international publications, obtaining additional income for university development.
The composition of the Scientific Council is:
Dorgan Viorel, Dr. habil., univ. prof. - first vice-rector;
Povestca Lazari, PhD, univ. prof. - Head of the Athletics Chair;
Jurat Valeriu, PhD, univ. prof. - director of the Doctoral School;
Leșcu Artur, PhD, univ. lect.- head of SRCPES;
Stratulat Serghei, PhD student, year II;
Lungu Ecaterina, secretary.
In order to achieve its basic mission, the Scientific Council of SUPES organizes and supports the development of its scientific research directions by accumulating new knowledge and capitalizing on them in the form of publications, communications, author creations, contracts, etc .; constant and direct participation in domestic, national and international research programs; increasing the scientific and sports prestige of the university at national and international level. It also coordinates with:
• implementation of the operational plan for scientific research,
• organizing the admission process to Cycle III,
• planning the activity of scientific research and innovation of the scientific-didactic teaching staff,
• approval of the editorial plan of scientific publications,
• organization of the International Scientific Congress, SUPES “SPORT, OLYMPISM, HEALTH”,
• providing with scientific-didactic supports the study process (Cycle I, II, III),
• approving the planning of the activity of the SUPES Scientific Library,
• increasing scientific production (books, monographs, textbooks, articles published in prestigious national and international publishing houses and journals),
• endorsement of the Operational Plan for scientific research,
• approval of doctoral grants obtained by doctoral supervisors,
• approval of assignments, supervisors and scientific consultants for doctoral theses, including guidance committees,
• carrying out the activity of the Scientific Profile Seminar,
• evaluation of the scientific research and innovation activity of the scientific-didactic teaching staff.

Plan de activitate a consiliul stiintific USEFS 2017-2018

Metodologie de alegere a membrilor Consiliului Ştiinţific şi ai Consiliului Şcolii doctorale ale USEFS

Regulamentul de organizare și funcționare a consiliului științific al USEFS