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University Dunărea de Jos din Galaţi
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi
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Prorector for logistics and financial issues: Andrei Toma
Tel.: (+373) 022 43 85 85

Logistics is manifested by integrated planning and optimal management of the delivering goods and materials, of services and works from supplier to addressee, for the satisfaction of all requirements connected with the main process in the field, of development of technical, material and didactic basis.
Since 2005, the State University of Physical Education and Sport has passed an ascending period in the development of technical, material and didactic bases, that in general has changed the aspect and conditions in which the University acts, so becoming one of the most modern and efficient institutions from the Republic of Moldova.
About 30 employees work within the Subdivision of Logistics and Financial Issues:
Vladimir Dragomir, Victoria Toma, Sergiu Țurcanu - engineers;
Veronica Postevca – chief of the boiler system;
Lilia Armasari – chief of the storage;
Ivan Catavelea, Anatolie Slovov, Anatolie Toma, Boris Brega – locksmiths;
Vasile Vartic - carpenter;
Igor Pavlov, Grigore Oanta, Zaharia Coițan - operators;
Gheorghe Bulat, Mihai Ghenita - drivers;
Sorina Roman, Oxana Șumila, Serghei Roman, Ion Popa, Mihail Danilă, Claudia Bacioi - workers.
The State University of Physical Education and Sport has 2 blocks for studies (the main block, put into operation on August 25, 2005, with a surface of 4966 m2, situated on 22 A. Doga Str.; the block of studies “B” with a surface of 2208 m2, situated on 24 A. Doga Str.); 3 sports centers:
-Sports Complex (22 A. Doga Str.);
-Medical and scientific Center of individual sports events (69 Alexandru cel Bun Str.);
-Sports Complex of the swimming pool (78, 31 August Str.);
In the main block of studies there are over 100 study rooms and laboratories, 2 conference rooms, 3 computer rooms connected to Internet, 2 lingofonic rooms equipped with modern apparatuses, a library with a reading room for 100 seats, equipped with modern information technologies and book fund in the fields of science, education and sport.
The Center of Scientific Research in the field of physical education and sport plays a special role in the development of scientific capacity of the University. It is located in the main block and is endowed with the most efficient equipment, that assures the achievement of scientific research in the field, oriented to the improvement of high qualified specialists’ training process.
The State University of Physical Education and Sport has also a publishing house that assures the publication of didactic and scientific materials concerning the theory and methodology of sport training, sport medicine and kinetotherapy, of sociohumanistic and psychopedagogical sciences.
A very important element for a good function of State University of Physical Education and Sport is the existence of the student hostels No. 1, 3, 4 with a total capacity of 600 places.
A high quality management and also the financial sources are necessary to create and maintain such a technical, material and didactic base.

Strategia de dezvoltare a Departamentului Logistică pentru perioada anilor 2015-2020 în contextul strategiei generale de dezvoltare a Universităţii

Regulament privind functionarea caminelor USEFS

Contract de locatiune

Strategia de dezvoltare instituțională a USEFS 2021-2025

Raport de activitate pentru anul 2021 şi obiectivele pentru 2022

Plan operațional de activitate al USEFS în domeniul achizițiilor publice pentru anul 2022