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University Dunărea de Jos din Galaţi
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi
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Dean: Andrei Nastas,
PhD, associate professor

Vice-dean: Drăniceru Mihai,
university lecturer, PhD student

Secretary-typist: Olesea Pelin

Tel.: (+ 373) 022 49 74 49
E-mail: usefs-fpps@mail.ru

Conferința științifică universitară cu genericul „PROTECȚIA PERSOANELOR ȘI A PROPRIETĂȚII – REGLEMENTĂRI NAȚIONALE

privind acordul de colaborare între Global Risc Internaţional Ltd Eastern Europe şi
Facultatea de Protecţie, Pază şi Securitate a Universităţii de Stat de EducaţieFizică şi Sport

cu privire la asigurarea calităţii elaborării tezelor de licenţă şi de master
la Facultatea Protecţie, Pază şi Securitate

The Faculty of Protection, Guard and Security is a didactic-scientific and administrative subdivision of the State University of Physical Education and Sports which was founded in 2009 as a result of the need to train highly qualified specialists in the field of protection, security and safety.
The Faculty of Protection, Guard and Security aims to organize and carry out the instructive-educational process, carrying out methodical, educational and scientific research activities in the field of vocational training Protection of people and property, in the bachelor's degree cycle in the following specialties:
- civil security and public order
- property security services
- rescuers and firefighters
Graduates of the first cycle of studies of the Faculty of Protection, Guard and Security (holders of bachelor's degrees) are offered the opportunity to continue their studies at the Faculty also for the second cycle - master's degree in the specialties:
- Personal and property security management
- Customs and cross-border security
The Faculty of Protection, Guard and Security concluded a tripartite collaboration agreement with the Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research of the Republic of Moldova and the Faculty of Legal, Social and Political Studies for the master program "Criminal Sciences and Criminology" accredited by ARACIS (Romanian Agency of Insurance of Quality in High Education) Romania in 2015, after graduation, students will obtain master's degrees in legal sciences issued by the Romanian Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research recognized at European level.
Through the effort of the faculty administration and the teaching departments, studying the practices of other states and with the contribution of several specialists, the structure of teaching activities was adapted to the latest requirements for modernization of education, with specific features perfected the curricula, the curriculum of the disciplines, the training methods, etc.
The chairs of Faculty are:
• Law Chair - head of the Chair, Manolachi Victor, dr. habil., university professor.
• Chair of Protection, Guard and Security - head of the Chair, Cernomoreț Sergiu, PhD, university professor.
• Chair of Individual Sports Events- head of the Chair, Polevaia-Secăreanu Angela, PhD, associate professor
• Military Chair - head of department, Pleşca Vitalie, lieutenant-colonel (r.).
The curricula for the specialties of the Faculty of Protection, Guard and Security provide learning and acquisition of some fundamental, socio-humanistic disciplines, for the formation of general skills and competences and for specialization regarding:
• the basic branches of law;
• police intervention and rescue tactics;
• special physical and technical training,
• methods of international collaboration in the field.
The graduate specialists of the faculty (qualification - licensed in security services) will be able to hold the position of agent, inspector (specialist) in the subdivisions that ensure security, both in private enterprises and institutions, as well as in public administration bodies.
Graduates of the second cycle of studies of the Faculty of Protection, Guard and Security are awarded the qualification of master in the protection of persons and property which determines the right to fill the positions of senior inspector, chief inspector, team leader, office, service, department and other positions, management within private and state organizations, institutions and enterprises providing security services.
The qualitative teaching of the study disciplines is ensured by the faculty teachers who are involved in organizing various scientific events, both as representatives of the academic body of the faculty and as members of prestigious associations or scientific and professional organizations.
Most teachers have scientific degrees and titles. Teaching, whose professionalism is highly appreciated and recognized both in the academic and professional environments.
The material base of the Faculty of Protection, Guard and Security, ensures the highest standards in the education and research process, thus offering extremely favorable premises for the acquisition of solid theoretical and practical knowledge.
Admissio to the Faculty of Protection, Guard and Security is based on high school or specialized secondary school documents. The studies are done in Romanian and Russian, with a budget enrollment possibility and against payment.
Length of studies:
• Full-time education - Bachelor's degree: 3 years (180 credits), Master's degree: 2 years (120 credits);
• Part-time education - Bachelor's degree: 4 years (180 credits).
Vocational training at the faculty is a training process during which students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for employment in a prestigious and paid service.
The management team of the faculty managed and concluded collaboration agreements with the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to prepare future specialists, the National Administration of Penitentiaries, with analogous faculties in Romania (Bucharest, Galati, Oradea), students having the opportunity to participate in mobility in Erasmus programs.
The faculty continuously studies the labor market and adjusts the training process of the specialist in the field to its requirements.This fact contributes effectively to the enrollment of the graduates of the faculty in the field of work.
The students of the faculty are requested as employees mainly within the subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, the State Protection and Guard Service, the Intelligence and Security Service, the National Administration of Penitentiaries, etc., performing the service with dignity and high professionalism.
The graduates of the Faculty of "Guard Protection and Security" have achieved remarkable results in sports on the International arena. We note in particular Elena Cîlcic-European champion weightlifting,, Under-23'' Edition 2021 and Anastasia Nichita-European champion in Wrestling, edition 2020, winning silver at World Championship Wrestling " Undfer - 23"edition 2019 .