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University Dunărea de Jos din Galaţi
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi
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Dean: Serghei Racu,
PhD in special pedagogy, associate professor

Vice-dean: Ana Carp,
university lecturer, PhD candidate

Tel.: (+373) 022 31 07 58

de dezvoltare a facultăţii Kinetoterapie a
U.S.E.F.S. pe perioada 2022-2027

cu privire la asigurarea standardelor de calitate
în elaborarea tezelor de licenţă şi de master
a studenţilor facultăţii KINETOTERAPIE

The Faculty of Kinetotherapy was founded in 2009, with the aim of training highly qualified specialists in the field of clinical rehabilitation.
Being a paramedical profession, Kinetotherapy has the purpose of strengthening human health, recovery, rehabilitation and social integration of all categories of people affected by various diseases or accidents (trauma, cardiopulmonary diseases, cerebral vascular diseases, disabilities, pediatric diseases, etc.).
Graduates obtain a degree in Kinetotherapy and Functional Therapy.
The priority scientific direction represents researches and development of models in the field of medical rehabilitation. Periodically, in consortium with Nicolae Testemițanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy are organized international conferences and symposia, training, seminars, in which faculty professors, researchers, students actively participate.
Members of the Quality Council of the Faculty of Kinetotherapy:
1. Carp Ana, vice dean, PhD student, university lecturer;
2. Jurat Valeriu, PhD, univ. prof., Director of SUPES Doctoral School;
3. Agapii Eugeniu, PhD, associate professor, head of the Kinetotherapy Department;
4. Deleu Inga, PhD, university lecturer;
5. Canațui Nicoleta, student.
The members of the Commission on Student problems
1. Begal Alina, president of the student union office of the Faculty of Kinetotherapy;
2. Canațui Nicoleta, student, member of the SUPES Senate;
3. Cataraga Andrei, student, member of the SUPES Senate;
4. Bujor Tatiana, student.
During the training period, students gain fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of medical-biological sciences. The main focus is on the study of clinical disciplines (Neurology, Traumatology, Paediatrics, Therapy, Geriatrics, Sensory Disorders, etc.), recovery methods, occupational therapy and classical and therapeutic massage in the above-mentioned fields.
The dean’s office of the faculty creates optimal conditions for the development of the specialized practice and the clinical internship in various specialized centres, subordinated to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova: Republican Rehabilitation Centre for Children; IMSP Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery; IMSP Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health; CRM "Neokinetica"; CMS "TONY HAWKS"; IS "Medpark"; IMPS Clinical Hospital of Traumatology and Orthopedics; I.S. Republican Experimental Center for Prosthetics, Orthopedics and Rehabilitation; KineticA.
Graduates of the Faculty of Kinetotherapy can be employers in the nominated units, in medical, departmental and private institutions, in spas, specialized schools, rehabilitation centres, sports teams/teams of various profiles, fitness centers, sports clubs, etc.
The graduates of the faculty have the opportunity to continue their studies, deepening their theoretical and practical knowledge in the second cycle of studies (master's degree), obtaining the specialty of Kinetotherapy in motor and somatic-functional recovery. At the same time, in collaboration with the cross-border Department of the “Dunărea de Jos” University (Galați), the specialty Kinetotherapy at home was opened. In collaboration with Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, the specialty Kinetotherapy in Sports Traumatology was opened (2017).
Since the establishment of the faculty, four doctoral theses in the field of physical rehabilitation has been defended, of which the most representative are:
1. Agapii Eugeniu "Recovery of postural control of people after stroke based on the kinetotherapy program with functional transfer effects" (2010);
2. Zavalișca Aurica "Recovery of splay foot in middle school students in the process of physical education" (2009).
The faculty has a valuable contribution in consolidating the scientific-practical base in the field of rehabilitation.
Based on the Institutional Development Strategy of the State University of Physical Education and Sport (2021-2025) and on The Education Code of the Republic of Moldova, the Council of the Faculty of Kinetotherapy intends to extend the scientific researches in the field, modernizing analytical disciplinary programs, participating in national and international scientific forums, developing professional mastery of teachers and obtaining scientific ranks and titles.