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University Dunărea de Jos din Galaţi
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi
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Head of the Chair: Serghei Sîrghi,
PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor
Telephone: (+373) 022 49 76 59
E-mail: catedratmj@gmail.com

The Theory and Methodology Sports Games Chair was founded after the reorganization of The Basketball Chair and Football Chair in conformity with the SUPES Senate resolution from June 24, 2010 (protocol no. 7) in accordance with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova letter No. 03/14-6491 from 06.25.2010). The Basketball and Football Chairs were founded in 2007, on the basis of the Sports Games Chair, which was created in 1967 within the Department of Physical Education of “Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical Institute. Over the years, the structure and contents of the chair have been permanently changed. The latest reforms are carried out in accordance with the integration of higher education of Moldova, including physical education and sport, in the European system. At present, the majority of modern sports: football, basketball, handball, volleyball, rugby, tennis, table tennis, badminton, chess, drafts, dynamic games are studied at the chair.
The Staff of the department
1. Sîrghi Serghei, head of the Chair, PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor;
2. Constantin Ciorba, dr. habil. in Pedagogy, university professor;
3. Budevici-Puiu Anatolie, PhD in History, university professor;
4. Mocrousov Elena, dr. habil. in Pedagogy, associate professor, Merited Master of Sport of the Republic of Moldova, table tennis 1st category coach;
5. Tăbîrță Vasile, PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor, Master of Sport in Rugby, Merited Coach of the Republic of Moldova, member of Moldova Rugby Federation, rugby referee of international category;
6. Conohova Tatiana, PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor, Candidate in Master of Sports in Volleyball;
7. Bragarenco Nicolae, PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor, Master of Sports in Rugby;
8. Verejan Ruslan, PhD student, university assistant, Master of Sports in Handball, Merited Coach of the Republic of Moldova;
9. Grosul Valeria, university assistant, Master of Sports in Table Tennis, Merited Coach of the Republic of Moldova;
10. Bulai Veaceslav, PhD student, university assistant, Master of Sports in Rugby, Merited Coach of the Republic of Moldova;
11. Șestopal Alexandru, university assistant, Master of Sports in basketball, Merited Coach of the Republic of Moldova, FIBA Coach;
12. Tîrzîman Olga, university assistant, Master of Sports in basketball;
13. Anghel Alexandru, PhD student, university assistant;
14. Jubîrca Constantin, university assistant;
15. Danail Sergiu, university assistant;
16. Pereu Oleg, university assistant;
17. Mardare Vasile, university assistant;
18. Verejan Galina, PhD student, university assistant;
19. Gulic Ludmila, senior lab assistant.
The main purpose of the activity of the Theory and Methodology Sports Games Chair is to train, improve and retrain, at a higher level, specialists and scientists in the field of physical culture and sports, to promote scientific research and implement their results in their practical activity.
Based on the established purpose, the following objectives were established within the department:
- broadening the area of knowledge about the technologies used in the training of pedagogues and young performance athletes in the specialization course;
- developing skills in the use of training technologies for athletes of different ages, sexes and levels in the chosen sports;
- acquiring the knowledge and skills for scheduled management of the training process;
- acquiring knowledge and training skills for organizing and conducting sports competitions;
- acquisition of technologies for training motor skills and development of motor qualities, in accordance with the specifics of the chosen sport;
- acquiring knowledge and skills in terms of scientific-methodical, informational and methodical-biological assurance of the chosen sport;
- formation of a positive view about the profession of pedagogue and coach, increase motivation in practicing professional activity;
- development of creative thinking, formation of skills for organizing and conducting scientific research, as well as an educational activity.
The technical - material basis
The chair has at its disposal: a universal sports hall for games, where practical-methodical classes, trainings and different competitions in basketball, handball, badminton take place; a special sports hall for table tennis; a universal sports ground for games, as well as a tennis court, a mini-football field which corresponds to the international standards for the achievement of a qualitative teaching process. The department also has two methodological centers and a scientific laboratory, where practical lessons and scientific research are carried out.
The didactic and scientific research directions of the chair are:
1. Theoretical and methodological bases of specialists' training in physical culture and sports.
2. Theoretical and methodological bases of sports training.
Methodical and didactic activity is reflected in the publication of a significant amount of materials that ensure the didactic process at the chair disciplines for the university students. Thus, recently, the members of the chair have published 8 monographs, over 34 didactic and methodical works, courses for every chair discipline, more than 370 abstracts and 250 scientific and methodical articles were published in various collections of scientific conferences and national and international symposia.
The Chair has a rich scientific potential that assures the running of all the scientific activities of the chair within and outside the university.
The scientific investigations of the chair aim at the different aspects of performance sports, pre-university and university physical education. Students, Master's and PhD candidates are involved in the scientific work.
During this period, at the chair 2 theses of dr. habil. and 14 theses of doctor in Pedagogy in the specialty 533.04 – Physical education, sport, recreation and kinetotherapy were defended. Currently, 2 additional dissertations in pedagogy are prepared by our lecturers.
The staff actively participates in organizing and conducting of various national and international scientific forums. In 2009 the State Agency for Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova approved a patent for sports games invention elaborated by the members of the Chair.
Within the chair there are theoretical, practical and methodical courses, which are taught in the following disciplines, in the I-st and II-nd cycles of studies:
Cycle I: Sports games, Dynamic games, Didactics of basketball game, Didactics of volleyball game, Table tennis, Lawn tennis, Badminton, Didactics of football game, Didactics of handball game, Technical bases of chosen sports form, Tactical bases of chosen sports form, Methodology of technical training of chosen sports form, Methodology of tactical training of chosen sports form, Organization, umpiring and technical-material assurance of competitions; Assurance of technical and scientific training in the domain of chosen sports; Sports training in the domain of chosen sport - I, Sports training in the domain of chosen sport – II, Medicobiological and psychological aspects of the chosen sports form.
Cycle II: Physical training technology in the chosen sports form, Scheduling and conducting of sports training, Competitions theory, Technical and tactical training technology in chosen sports form, Adaptive sports training technologies, Technologies for training young athletes in the chosen sports form, Organizing and conducting competitions in the chosen sports form, Complex control in the chosen sports form, Methodology of training women in the chosen sports form.
Sports Performances
Among the SUPES graduates, who have perfected their sports proficiency at the Chair of Game Theory and Methodology, are those who achieved remarkable results at the Olympic Games: Igor Dobrovolschi, Olympic Champion in football (Seoul, 1988); Veaceaslav Gorpisin, double Olympic Champion in handball (Barselona, 1992; Sydney, 2000); Radu Albot, lawn tennis (Rio de Janeiro, 2016); European Championships - Adrian Baltag, Alexandru Siscan, Gheorghe Volosciuc, Oleg Prepeliță, 3rd place at the European Championship „Rugby-7" (Moscow, 2007).
The didactic staff of the chair improves permanently the educational process, based on the SUPES Institutional Development Strategy (2021-2025), which stipulates the elaboration and appliance of new conceptual aspects, based on the modern complex of innovational means, in accordance with the European standards.
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