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University Dunărea de Jos din Galaţi
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi
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Head of department: Eugeniu Agapii
doctor in pedagogy,
associate professor
Tel.: (+373) 022 49 40 89
E-mail: catedra.kinetoterapie@gmail.com

The development and evolution of the Department of Kinetotherapy is closely related to the development of medical rehabilitation sphere in the Republic of Moldova.
The Department of Sports Medicine and Kinetotherapy was created in September 2003, following the reorganization of the Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines, founded in 1954. The first head of the department was Natalia Agasieva, PhD in biology. Over the years, the management of the department was carried out by Gheorghe Baciu, habilitated doctor in medicine, university professor (1991-1994); Raisa Moroşan, habilitated doctor in medicine, university professor (1994-2000); Victor Lupaşcu, Ph. D. in Biology, associate professor (2000 - 2001); Mihail Godorozea, doctor of medicine, associate professor (2001-2002). Since September 2002, Sergiu Pintilei, ph. D. in Medicine, associate professor, has held the position of head of department. The collaborators of the department ensure the teaching of the fundamental disciplines in the field of medical-biological sciences and those of recovery physical culture, which form in students scientific concepts that are the foundation of health education sciences, offering them the epistemological, methodological and normative basis.
In 2007, the Department of Recovery Physical Culture became a separate department based on the restructuring of the Department of Sports Medicine and Kinetotherapy, which is a university structure that contributes to the training of specialists: graduates in physical culture and sports in the field of professional training: 823 Recovery physical culture , specialty: 823.1 Physical recovery culture.
The first head of department was Sergiu Racu, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, associate professor. By Order no. 43 of SUPES from March 26, 2009, the Faculty of Kinetotherapy was founded, and Racu Sergiu was appointed as a dean. Since March 26, 2009, the position of head of department was held by Elena Caun, Ph.D. in medicine, associate professor. Since November 26, 2014, Agapii Eugeniu, Ph.D. in pedagogy, associate professor, holds the position of head of the " Kinetotherapy " Department.
The mission and specific objectives of the Kinetotherapy Department:
Development and promotion of the scientific-didactical and methodical process of the specialty of Kinetotherapy and Occupational Therapy with the fields of interest, by extending the directions of research, collaboration, promotion and achieving international visibility.
Currently, the department consists of the following teachers:
1. Eugeniu Agapii – PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor, head of department
2. Serghei Racu - PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor
3. Aurica Zavalişca - PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor
4. Mihail Godorozea - Ph.D in Medicine, associate professor
5. Ala Pogorleţchi - PhD in Biology, associate professor
6. Mariana Corman - researcher, assistant lecturer
7. Vladimir Roşca - PhD, assistant lecturer
8. Natalia Zapanovici - PhD, assistant lecturer
9. Nina Cebotaru - PhD, assistant lecturer
10. Vasile Cebotaru - assistant lecturer
11. Ivan Potapenco - assistant lecturer
12. Felicia Rusnac - senior worker.
The Department of Kinetotherapy assumes the complex role of ensuring a qualitative education of the studious youth, of an efficient scientific research and of offering a professional training in the field of medical recovery for our society.
Educational disciplines (cycle I: kinetotherapy and occupational therapy):
General bases of kinetotherapy (A. Zavalişca, A. Pogorleţchi);
Methods and techniques in kinetotherapy (E. Agapii, I. Potapenco, A. Pogorlețchi);
Body remodeling massage and SPA (M. Godorozea, V. Roşca, M. Corman);
Therapeutic massage (M. Godorozea, V. Roşca, V. Cebotaru);
Kinetotherapy in orthopedic diseases and traumatology (A. Zavalişca, A. Pogorleţchi, V. Roşca);
Kinetotherapy in rheumatological diseases (A. Zavalişca, A. Pogorleţchi, M. Corman).
Kinetotherapy in cardiorespiratory diseases / Kinetotherapy in the clinic of internal diseases (M. Godorozea, M. Corman, A. Pogorleţchi);
Kinetotherapy in obstetrics and gynecology (M. Godorozea, A. Pogorleţchi);
Kinetotherapy in neurorecovery (E. Agapii, S. Racu, I. Potapenco);
Balneophysiotherapy / Complementary therapies (E. Agapii, V. Cebotaru, A. Pogorlețchi);
Occupational therapy (S. Racu, N. Cebotaru);
Kinetotherapy in pediatrics (A. Zavalișca, A. Pogorlețchi, N. Cebotaru);
Rehabilitation of people with disabilities (S. Racu, N. Cebotaru);
Medical gymnastics and kinetoprophylaxis (M.Godorozea, N. Zapanovici);
Kinetotherapy in geriatric diseases (M. Godorozea, M. Corman)
Kinetotherapy Practice I, Kinetotherapy Practice II, Licence Practice.
Educational disciplines (cycle II: Physical therapy in motor and somato-functional recovery):
Functional methods of evaluation in physiotherapy: A. Zavalișca
Medical kinesiology: O. Pascal
Quality assurance technologies in recovery and special motor skills: O. Pascal
Physioterapy: E. Agapii
Inclusion of people with disabilities: S. Racu
Logopedy: S. Racu
Theoretical basis and practice in nursing: M. Godorozea
Pain therapy in Kinetotherapy: O. Pascal
Neurorecovery- testing and management: E. Agapii
Kinetotherapy in sports medicine: I. Mruț
Fitness - recovery method in Kinetotherapy: I. Mruț.
Methodological-scientific activity
The teaching activity is carried out according to the fundamental requirements of the Education Reform and is regulated by the Bologna Declaration.
The teachers developed university curricula for the individual subjects taught, developed several lessons for students and methodical recommendations in order to successfully defend the license theses.
The training is organized systematically by participating in various internships, seminars and international training courses in the field of physical therapy.
An essential objective is the development of the research program in all its aspects with the involvement of master's and doctoral students in various research projects, extending the horizons and research themes.
Collaborations and Cooperation:
The Department has established collaboration relations with the following institutions and structures: KineticA Rehabilitation Center; Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova; APDI Humanitas; CRM “Neokinetics”; SE CREPOR; IMSP Mother and Child Institute; “Holy Trinity” Municipal Clinical Hospital; IMSP Clinical Hospital of Traumatology and Orthopedics; MEDPARK Clinical Hospital.
The Department of Kinetotherapy has a scientific-methodical laboratory whose main purpose is to conduct and promote scientific research based on the latest methods.
Members of the scientific laboratory:
Head of scientific laboratory: Agapii E., PhD, associate professor
Coordinator, researcher: Zavalişca A., PhD, associate professor,
Scientific researchers: Racu S., Ph.D., associate professor, Godorozea M, Ph.D., associate professor, Pogorleţchi A., Ph.D.
PhD students: Corman M., Cebotaru N., Zapanovici N., Roșca V.
The scientific laboratory operates in two priority research directions: Kinetotherapy in diseases of the neuromyoarthrokinetic apparatus and Kinetotherapy of people with disabilities.
The objectives of the scientific laboratory are oriented towards the field of kinetotherapy in diseases of the myoarthrokinetic apparatus by: elaborating of methodical guidelines in kinetotherapeutic evaluation, elaboration of scientific articles in journals, elaboration of modern programs for recovery of musculoskeletal disorders.
Planned activities: scientific conferences.
The objectives of the scientific laboratory oriented towards the kinetotherapy of people with disabilities are: the selection and elaboration of the most adequate kinetotherapeutic recovery programs for people with disabilities.
Planned activities: round tables, scientific conferences, methodological seminars.
Ensuring the quality of the educational process:
The members of the quality team of the department:
- Agapii Eugeniu - president of the quality team of the Kinetotherapy department;
- Pogorleţchi Ala - vice-president of the quality team of the Kinetotherapy department;
- Natalia Zapanovici - secretary of the quality team of the Kinetotherapy department.

The purpose of the department is to promote learning based on education, modernize the training process, as well as research projects by attracting students, masters, doctoral students in them. The emphasis is on developing and creating partnerships with specialized institutions, taking over models of good practice for remedying teamwork, international teaching-learning methodologies in the field of medical rehabilitation, but also encouraging teachers to participate in the realization of scientific research contracts, with funding from governmental or private, national and international sources.
These practices prove a good development of the Kinetotherapy Department and present it as one of the most competitive and prestigious both nationally and internationally.