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University Dunărea de Jos din Galaţi
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi
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Vice Prorector: Dorgan Viorel,
dr. habil. in pedagogical sciences, university professor
Tel.: (+373) 022 49 41 22

The transition to the market economy, the competition between universities at the national and global level imposes transformations, which produce a new university development. In this context, the educational ideal of the contemporary society presumes the capitalization and the improvement of human potential on forming a harmonious and creative personality, able to adapt to social conditions in a continuous change. The primary task of SUPES consists of the alignment of Higher Education of Physical Culture and Sport at the highest global standards of performance.
The didactic activity of the State University of Physical Education and Sport of the Republic of Moldova is oriented to the training of a new type of specialists, efficient and open to new experiences, formation of professional competences, cultivation of moral, spiritual, general, human and national values.
In order to implement the curricular reform imposed by the prerogatives of time, the lecturers of the university make topical and prepare new study plans and sports training, contents centered on objectives, initiate alternative courses, modernize the teaching techniques, widely implement informational technologies.
At present, a well-defined system of training and professional development of the didactic personnel is organized. The majority of activities are oriented to the formation of aptitudes and motivations for professional activity and the consolidation of the continuous learning mechanism.
In the course of the years, a huge number of people studied at the university, who activate at present, in various pre-university and university institutions, clubs and sports associations, various rehabilitation centres in the country and abroad.
A specialized structure was created within the university, the University Center of Guidance and Career Counselling; its major activities consist of: promotion of the university values and the image of the university among students and students' consulting during the years of study, regarding the professional orientation and employment insertion.
The curricular reform of higher education of physical culture results from social realities and requirements of time and proves that the training process of the specialist of physical culture has to be approached from the main perspective factors and the new tendencies of this century: the globalization and the growth of competition, the gradual disappearance of international borders, the high mobility of the capital and workforce, the development of services spheres and the influence growth of international commercial organization, the spreading of new technologies in informatics and telecommunications, the development of tourism industry, culture and resting, life extension, the growth of uncertainty and the care for future, caused by permanent social changes.
Considering these factors, the curricular reform presumes the transition to an open and flexible high educational system, the academic equivalence of study periods, facilitating academic mobility of students and lecturers, students’ increased degree of responsibility in individual program of study and training, offering a wide range of options in choosing the desired sports events.
In order to integrate the educational process into the European and world system, the activity of SUPES is oriented to the following directions:
- the organization and holding of methodological seminars and scientific conferences for the university lecturers, PhDs, postgraduates and Master degree students, to discuss up-to-date issues on the improvement of the educational system in the field of physical culture, high-performance and sport for all;
- student's participation in international scientific symposia, conferences, round table discussions, festivals, competitions, internships etc.
- establishment and extension of cooperation relations among SUPES teaching personnel and similar institutions from Romania, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Greece, Great Britain, Spain, South Korea;
- further professional development of the teaching staff, organization of post-graduate studies;
- offering opportunities for training of citizens of other countries, within SUPES study students from Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Azerbaijan, Israel and Sudan.
The theoretical professionalism and practical abilities of the teaching staff result in the fact that our University corresponds to modern requirements of the higher education, attested by the accreditation institutions from the Republic of Moldova.