Tur virtual USEFS reusita studentului
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Education & Sport
Center guide
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University Dunărea de Jos din Galaţi
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi
Other structures
Chairman: Valeriu Jurat,
PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor
Tel.: (+373) 022 43 04 50



Conducători de doctorat, loc vacant 2021

Competiția proiectelor științifice

Admiterea la studii superioare de doctorat - 2020

Ordin cu privire la repartizarea granturilor doctorale cu finanțare de la bugetul de stat pentru anul academic 2021-2022 în cadrul USEFS

Speciality code: 533.04 —Physical education, sport, kinetotherapy and recreation.
Higher doctoral studies are organized and conducted by the Doctoral School of SUPES in accordance with the Education Code of the Republic of Moldova no.152 from 17 July 2014, and Government decision no. 1007 from 12.10.2014, with the University Charter, coordinated with the Ministry of Education no.IS-16 / 02.06.2015 approved by the Senate of SUPES from 06.02.2015 (minutes 9), and the methodology regarding the organization of admission to higher doctoral studies cycle.
Doctoral School is an organizational administrative un-incorporated structure, includes the totality of doctoral students and doctoral leaders, who acquired the right to conduct PhD. Besides PhD advisors, in the school carry out their activity other researchers and/or lecturers, engaged in research and/or teaching, from SUPES or other institutions in the country or abroad. Doctoral School is headed by a chairman, assimilated to the director of the department of the Doctoral School Council, and it is composed of the following members:
Jurat Valeriu, PhD in pedagogy, university professor, director;
Buftea Victor, dr. habil. in pedagogy, university professor;
Carp Ion, PhD in pedagogy, university professor;
Gorașcenco Alexandru, PhD in pedagogy, associate professor;
Racu Sergiu, PhD in pedagogy, associate professor;
Braniște Gheorghe, PhD in pedagogy, associate professor;
Calugher Viorica, PhD in pedagogy, associate professor;
Chirtoacă Ilie, PhD student;
Dervici Ana, PhD student.
The mandates of the Council members of the SUPES Doctoral School have a term of 5 years, in this way they are elected by a universal, direct, secret and equal suffrage for all PhD supervisors from the University Doctoral School. They have the right to supervise the doctorate in the country or abroad, carrying out the minimum and mandatory standards for grating the right to conduct the doctorate.
The admission to the higher doctoral studies is ruled in accordance with the Methodology for organizing and conducting admission in the higher doctoral studies cycle.
Higher doctoral programs correspond to 180 ECTS credits: 20 credits - basic subjects, 70 credits – subjects on the specialty, 40 credits - to development and publication of scientific articles, 10 credits - to the presentation of the research project and 40 credits - to defend a thesis. They provide professional skills training content, cognitive and physical culture research, as well as some transversal skills. Higher Doctoral studies are organized into full-time PhD (3 years) or part-time (4 years).
To the Higher Doctoral School are admitted persons who have fully completed the curriculum in the respective subject, due to the evaluation criteria.
The doctoral exams are taken during the period of advanced studies, Ist year. The higher doctoral studies are completed once the doctoral thesis is defended.
The content of the doctoral thesis is elaborated by PhD student under the guidance of the coordinator, according to the Regulation regarding the organization of higher doctoral education (3rd cycle).
The scientific researches of the PhD students are carried out according to the main directions included in the research plan:
1. Philosophical, socio-economic, legal and managerial aspects of physical culture.
2. Physical education in the education system. Staff’s Professional training.
3. Innovative technologies and the scientific-methodical bases of the athletes’ contemporary training system.
4. Sports medicine, kinetotherapy and recreational physical culture.
The training of PhD students who study at the Doctoral School shall be realized in accordance with curricula and assigned subjects specialty.

INSTRUCȚIUNE: Examinarea tezelor de doctor și doctor habilitat prin sistemul de antiplagiat al Agenției Naționale de Asigurare a Calității în Educație și Cercetare

În atenția studenților-doctoranzi și a candidaților la studii superioare de doctorat, ciclul III

Ghid perfectarea tezelor doctorat ANACEC

Plan de învățămînt

Contract de studii - Școala Doctorală

Autorizare - Școala Doctorală

Raport de autoevaluare a școlii doctorale a USEFS

Anunt cu privire la eliberarea deciziilor Consiliului de Conducere al ANACEC